After being stolen, unlawfully sold, and concealed in darkness for 16 years, Akiane Kramarik’s “Prince of Peace,” a transcendent portrayal of Jesus she painted at the age of 8, resurfaced as a masterpiece. Now 28, Akiane is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who attributes her creation to a recurring “visionary inspiration,” depicting a “profound role model for humanity.”

An inspired rendition of Jesus, the “Prince of Peace,” crafted with meticulous strokes, was among the pieces she showcased on the Oprah Show at just nine years old. “Your talent is undeniable. Where does it come from?” Oprah inquired.

“It comes from God,” confidently replied the young prodigy. At age 10, Akiane was interviewed about how she discerns God’s communication. “Because I hear His voice,” she affirmed. “His voice is gentle and beautiful.”

Interestingly, Akiane was raised in a small Idaho town by a family who did not embrace faith and rarely discussed the topic. “It wasn’t just art; there was also a spiritual awakening,” shared Akiane’s mother, Forelli Kramarik, who hailed from an atheistic background in Lithuania. “It all began when she started sharing her dreams and visions. My husband, a former Catholic, didn’t share our beliefs. We didn’t pray together, discuss God, or attend church. Then suddenly, Akiane began talking about God.”

Akiane, homeschooled without external influences like television or babysitters, drew from within her family’s close-knit environment. “We were always with the kids, so Akiane’s words about God didn’t come from outside sources—we knew that,” explained her mother. “But there were intense conversations about God’s love, His presence [in our lives], and she described everything in detail.”

Akiane disclosed that the painting stemmed from a childhood dream. Initially considering poetry and literature to convey her visions, she ultimately opted to paint, finding words insufficient. “I always thought about Jesus and talked about Him. I searched for a [Jesus] model for a long time, and when I couldn’t find one, I suggested we pray all day for the right one,” she recounted.

Their prayers answered, an exceptionally tall carpenter resembling Jesus arrived at their doorstep seeking work. Overwhelmed upon seeing him, Akiane declared, “That’s him!” Determined to paint him, she depicted the “Prince of Peace,” now a cherished masterpiece known worldwide, based on her vision of the carpenter.

“Prince of Peace” was en route to an exhibition when it was stolen; its vibrant and precise techniques were extraordinary for such a young artist. Although Akiane later recovered it, the shipping process left it covered in sawdust, requiring meticulous cleaning.

Due to a bureaucratic error, their plans to exhibit Akiane’s spiritually-inspired portrait were thwarted, despite their eagerness to share it with the world.

Akiane eventually sold “Prince of Peace” to a private collector, shifting her focus to creating other acclaimed works after a protracted legal battle to reclaim the painting, which had been hidden away. Despite lifting her family out of poverty through her talents, Akiane held onto the hope of reuniting with her “Prince of Peace.”

In the interim, she traveled to over 30 countries, offering art lessons and spreading messages of peace and spirituality. She sold over a hundred thousand prints to keep “Prince of Peace” in people’s minds. A miraculous turn of events unfolded in 2019, with speculation that the undisclosed family who acquired “Prince of Peace” for $850,000 is among the world’s most distinguished.

The new custodians consider themselves guardians of the original masterpiece, committed to preserving its legacy for future generations. Nearly two decades later, Akiane tearfully unwrapped her cherished “Prince of Peace,” reflecting, “To see it in the light again after so many years is still surreal.”

“It’s still surreal to me. I’m not going to lie… Love is incredibly powerful. It always arrives when needed most,” Akiane remarked in a recent CBS interview about her prized creation. “Akiane: The Early Years,” featuring the renowned painting “Prince of Peace,” is on display at the Belóved Gallery in Marble Falls, TX.

Akiane Kramarik’s immense talent is undeniable, transcending religious beliefs. Which of her works, if any, resonates with you the most?

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