When my neighbor’s construction crew started using my driveway without permission, I thought I could handle it like a reasonable adult. But after weeks of frustration and disrespect, I realized it was time to teach Dave a lesson he’d never forget — one that would change our relationship forever.

I woke up at 5 AM, my head already pounding. Another day of juggling kids, work, and Dave’s damn construction crew. I dragged myself out of bed, trying not to wake Emma. That girl needed her sleep, especially with all the noise lately.

In the kitchen, I started the coffee maker. The gurgling sound was like music to my ears. I leaned against the counter, closing my eyes for a moment.

“Mom?” Tyler’s voice made me jump. “Why are you up so early?”

I sighed. “Trying to beat Dave’s crew to the punch, honey. Go back to bed.”

He rubbed his eyes, shaking his head. “Nah, I’m up now. Want help with breakfast?”

I smiled, grateful for the company. We worked in comfortable silence, the smell of pancakes filling the air. As I flipped the last one, I heard the rumble of an engine outside.


“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered, rushing to the window. Sure enough, a massive truck was backing into my driveway.

Tyler peered over my shoulder. “Again? Mom, you gotta do something.”

I nodded, feeling the anger bubble up inside me. “Oh, I will. Watch the pancakes, okay?”

I stormed out, not bothering to change out of my pajamas. Dave was directing the truck, waving his arms like some kind of demented traffic cop.

“Dave!” I shouted. He turned, his face dropping when he saw me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?

He had the audacity to look confused. “Morning, Sarah. We’re just getting started for the day.”

“On my property?” I gestured wildly at the truck. “This is my driveway, Dave. How am I supposed to get to work?”

He shrugged. “It’ll only be for a couple hours. Can’t you park on the street?”

I felt an eye twitch. “No, Dave, I can’t. This is my property. You can’t just use it whenever you want.”

“Come on, Sarah. Don’t be difficult. It’s just for a little while.”

“Difficult?” I stepped closer, my voice low. “I’ll show you difficult if you don’t move this truck right now.”

Dave held up his hands. “Alright, alright. No need to get worked up. Mike, back it out!”

The truck slowly reversed, and I watched until it was completely off my property. Dave turned to me, a forced smile on his face.

“Happy now?”

I glared at him. “This better not happen again! I mean it.”

As I turned to go back inside, I heard him mutter, “Drama queen.”

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